1. NAME The League shall be called ‘The Huddersfield Table Tennis League’.
2. THE OBJECTS OF THE LEAGUE The objects of the League shall be to promote competitive Table Tennis in Huddersfield and District to improve the standard of play. In addition, the promotion of local community participation in a healthy recreation through the provision of facilities and the promotion of Table Tennis.
3. CONSTITUTION The League shall consist of President and Officers elected in accordance with Rule 10 hereinafter and Affiliated Clubs and individuals.
4. MEMBERSHIP Membership shall be open to any club or individual at the discretion of the Management Committee.
5. ELECTION (a) Every club applying for membership of the League shall complete the Application Form in force at the time, which shall state the number of teams to be entered, the Home Night for each team address of the Club Secretary.
(b) All new clubs are admitted to the League at the discretion of the Management Committee.
6. SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions (to be paid at the time of entry) will be £75.00 per senior team and 50% for junior teams (all players must be juniors) and 67% of this rate where two juniors payers play on a regular basis (to be a junior all players must be under the age of 18 at the beginning of the season). Subscriptions shall be paid by the 31st October of that season, after that date a 10% surcharge will be added. The subscription includes free entry into the Closed Championship for each team member.
7. OFFICERS (a) The Honorary Officers of the League shall be President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chairman, Match Secretary, Development Officer, Coaching Secretary and Website Manager.
(b) The Management Committee shall be empowered to appoint any past or present member of the League as Vice-President in the recognition of services to the League. Once appointed the person shall hold office for a minimum of five years.
8. GENERAL COUNCIL The General Council shall be convened for any extraordinary matter, and shall consist of the Honorary Officers of the League, the Vice-Presidents plus any and all registered players entitled to vote. All such persons attending shall be entitled to one vote.
9. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (a) The League affairs shall be managed by a Management Committee consisting of the Honorary Officers of the league and a representative from each league club, but voting rights will still remain as one vote per person in attendance.
(b) The Management Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members on to the Committee.
(c) A quorum shall be five members.
(d) Committee Meetings to be held on dates fixed at the first Committee meeting.
(e) The Committee shall have power to arrange and control any tournaments, matches, trials or competitions found desirable.
(f) The Honorary Secretary and any other member of the Committee together shall be empowered to act in case of an emergency and decisions shall be given subject to confirmation at the next meeting of the Committee.
(g) If any member of the Management Committee (with the exception of the President) is absent without reasonable cause from three consecutive meetings, he or she may be requested to resign.
(h) Should an Officer or member of the Management Committee relinquish his or her office during the year, the Management Committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy.
(i) In all matters before the Management Committee concerning a Club in which a member of the Committee is interested as an official or member, such a member shall have no voting power when a decision is being arrived at.
(j) The League Secretary, Match Secretary, Coaching Secretary, Website Manager and Development officer shall receive an honorarium of £50.
(k) The League Treasurer shall receive an honorarium of £25.
10. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (a) The Annual General Meeting of the League shall be held no later than the 30th June, at such place as the Management Committee shall decide.
(b) At least fourteen days notice of the Meeting, together with the Agenda and Proposed Alterations of Rules shall be given to all affiliated Clubs who shall be responsible for notifying all registered players.
(c) The Honorary Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. They shall retire annually and shall be eligible for the re-election at the Annual General Meeting.
(d) Each Registered Player shall be entitled to one vote at the Annual General Meeting.
(e) Attendance at the Annual General Meeting by non-registered players shall be at the discretion of the Management Committee.
(f) Clubs not sending a representative to the Annual General Meeting shall be fined £20.
(g) (i) Nominations for the Honorary Officers as defined by the Rule 7 shall be in writing to the Secretary before May 1st each year and shall include the written consent of the person nominated.
(ii) Nominations for the Management Committee will be accepted at the A.G.M. if the person nominated has consented.
(h) Resolutions shall be carried by a simple majority of the votes cast.
(i) No registered player shall be entitled to a vote at the Annual General Meeting if monies are owing to the League either by the player or the player’s club.
11. FINANCE (a) The Financial year of the League shall end on April 30th and a Statement of Accounts up to and including that date shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting.
(b) The Funds of the League shall be lodged at the Yorkshire Bank in the name of The Huddersfield Table Tennis League. The Financial Business of the League shall be the responsibility of the Honorary Treasurer.
12. ALTERATION OF THE RULES No addition to or alteration or rescission of the Rules shall be effected unless at the Annual General Meeting or at a General Meeting convened for the purpose. Any proposed addition to, alteration or recission of the Rules shall be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary before April 30th or together with the requisition for a General Council Meeting.
13. LEAGUE COMPOSITION AND TEAM ENTRY (a) The League shall be composed of a General Selection plus a Ladies Section should entries permit. Ladies teams will be incorporated into the General Section should entries prove insufficient for a Ladies Section. A Ladies team cannot enter the General Section as a team unless they are entered in the Ladies Section should one exist.
(b) Clubs should enter their teams for the forthcoming season by or at the Annual General Meeting accompanied by a £20 deposit per team. Late entries, if accepted, will be subject to a £10 non-refundable levy.
14. ALLOCATION OF TEAMS Where two or more divisions are formed the Management Committee shall decide to which division a ream shall be allocated, but the following general principles shall be observed:
(a) At the end of a season the bottom two teams in each Division except the lowest Division shall be relegated to the next lower Division; and the top two teams in each Division except the highest Division shall be promoted to the next higher Division.
(b) A team shall be allocated to the same Division as that in which it participated the previous season except where clause (a) or (c) operates.
(c) A vacancy in a Division caused by the resignation of a team during the previous season or the failure of a team to re-enter the Division shall be either filled by a team which would normally have been relegated in accordance with clause (A), a team from the next lower Division, or a new team.
(d) A new team entering the League shall be allocated to the lowest Division, unless otherwise allocated in accordance with clause (c).
(e) A team which resigned during the previous season and is desirous of re-entering the League shall be regarded as a new team.
15. FIXTURES (a) Fixtures shall be arranged by the Management Committee and shall be fulfilled by each team by the end of a season.
(b) Postponement of a fixture will be permitted providing: (1) 48 hours is given. However in exceptional circumstances where an event occurs within the 48 hour period e.g. inclement weather, sudden illness of a player, postponement will be permitted. (2) The Match Secretary is notified of the postponement prior to the date of the original fixture. (3) The home team must offer two alternative dates. (4) The team requesting a postponement shall be liable to a £10 fine which will only be imposed if the fixture remains unplayed 28 days after the original date of the fixture. (5) If the fixture remains unplayed after the new date then both teams will be required to attend the next Management Committee when further penalties may be imposed. (6) All fixtures from the first half of the season must be completed within 21 days of the end of the first half otherwise rule 15(d) applies. Note: The Committee are seeking to strengthen the existing rule considerably because of the unacceptably high numbers of unfulfilled fixtures at the end of last season and the apparent ease with which teams have cancelled matches without rearranging them within reasonable time.
(c) Both teams must keep a record of all matches played. The home team is responsible for submitting the official result card to the Match Secretary ensuring that it is received no later than the Wednesday following each week to the match. The away team is responsible for sending the result (score card only) by email to the Match Secretary within 48 hours of completing the fixture. Clubs in breach of this rule may be liable to a fine of £3.00
(d) In the event of a team not fulfilling a fixture on the original date or a rearranged date under Rule 15(b), the matter will be referred to the League Management Committee, who may deduct up to 10 points from the offending team and may order the match to be played on a fixed date. The Committee will have the power to award points for any unfulfilled fixture.
(e) Teams failing to fulfil two or more fixtures to be suspended from the League at the discretion of the Management Committee.
(f) The Management Committee may fine, suspend or expel from the League any club, team or player sending in the name of a player who did not take part in the match.
(g) For each occasion after the first that any team plays a match with less than three players, the team shall have two additional points deducted, irrespective of the result of the match. Points for unplayed games to be credited to players for Merit Award purposes.
(h) Where two or more teams in the same division have the same number of points at the end of the season, the number of games won will determine the winner. In the event of games won being equal, then the side with the least games conceded (lost) will win.
(i) Players playing competitive table tennis outside of the Huddersfield League, but excluding the National League or International competition, must register this fact on their team registration form. Any such player must play a minimum of five Huddersfield League Fixtures during the season. A player failing to fulfil this minimum requirement shall have any sets that he/she has participated in declared void at the discretion of the Management Committee.
(j) In case of dispute on any point covering fixtures, reference shall be made to the Management Committee, whose decisions shall be final.
16. WITHDRAWALS Should a team withdraw from a Division during the season the matches played by that team shall be declared void.
17. MATCH PROCEDURE (a) All matches shall be played udner E.T.T.A and I.T.T.F regulations and the current laws of the table tennis for International Competitions except that the League reserves the right to play 21-up in knockout competitions.
(b) Teams shall consist of three players, each of whom shall play each member of the apposing team a set. In addition one set of doubles shall be played. In each case a set shall consist of best of five games.
(c) The Home Team shall mark its three players A, B and C and the Away team X, Y and Z. Immediately before the commencement of the match the teams shall simultaneously exchange the names of their players. Subject to any re-arrangement mutually agreed upon, the order of play (A, B, C being the Home Team) shall be A v X, B v Y, C v Z, B v X, Doubles, A v Z, C v Y, B v Z, C v X , A v Y.
(d) One point will be awarded for each set won.
(e) All matches to start PROMPTLY at 7:30 p.m, except where two or more tables are to be used, in which case matches shall start no later than 8.00 p.m. To encourage maximum participation by younger players, teams may request an earlier start than 7:30p.m. Wherever possible, opponents should respect such requests. No practice should be allowed for players arriving after the start of the match.
(f) If a team shall not have sufficient players present to keep the table continuously in use, the opposing team shall be entitled to the outstanding unplayed sets at the discretion of the Management Committee.
(g) The umpires for each set must be agreed upon mutually and scoring should be undertaken alternatively by representatives in each team. In the case of a dispute as to who should umpire, the visiting team shall have the choice.
18. PLAYERS REGISTRATION (a) Clubs entering the League shall submit player registrations by July 31st. Final date for the player registration 31st December. Application for later registration subject to Management Committee discretion (only in cases of emergency).
(b) A Club entering one team shall register a minimum of four players; two teams - 8 players; three teams - 12 players; four teams - 16 players; five teams - 19 players; six teams - 22 players. No team shall be allowed to commence its fixtures until the minimum number of registrations have been made.
(c) Additional players registered after the commencement of the season will not be allowed to play twice against the same opponents in the League in the second half of the season.
(d) A team entering two or more teams in the League shall register the best three players in the first team, the next best three in the second team and so on. No player may play for a lower team than that for which he/she is registered, unless that team is in the same division. No player may play against the same opposition more than the number of League games scheduled between the team for which he is registered and the opponents, nor for more than one team in a round of a cup competition (a player may play for one other team in a cup competition up to a maximum of 2 matches for that other team). No player of a losing team can play against the winning ream in a latter round of the same competition while playing for the other team. In the case of these rules being infringed then the illegal player(s) scores shall be deleted and games awarded to their opponents. New players must play a minimum of 2 League Matches before being eligible to play in a cup competition. Each registered player may play for a higher team or team within the limits of Rule 18 (g). Clubs seeking to demote a player, from a higher team to a lower team, must seek the approval of the Management Committee before that player is allowed to play for a lower team. Once demoted, that player may not play for a higher team again that season. Any demotion must be equated with a promotion unless the higher team already has its required number of three players.
(e) A registered player may transfer from one club to another subject to the approval of the Management Committee.
(f) Players cease to be eligible to play for lower division teams once they have played six matches in a higher division(s). The Management Committee will consider any submission covering exceptional circumstances but until permission has been given in writing by the Match Secretary or his deputy any points gained at a higher level after the sixth match will be declared void and awarded to the opposition. Games played for the player’s established lower division team will not be affected pending the clarification of his status.
(g) No player shall be permitted to play until their registration has been confirmed by the League Registration and Match Secretary. Each application for registration must be accompanied by the Players ETTA Player Licence Number and will be deemed accepted on the issue of the Certificate of Registration in the handbook signed by a League Officer. Verbal confirmation of registration will only be valid for 14 days and it is the players responsibility to ensure that they have evidence of registration and ETTA Licence Number at all league events.
(h) In the event of a club playing an unlicensed player(s), that the player(s) scores shall be deleted from the card and the games awarded to the opponents. The club shall also be fined £2.
19. PLAYING FACILITIES AND EQUPIMENT (a) Each club shall provide accommodation, lighting and one or more tables which shall be maintained to the satisfaction of the Management Committee.
(b) Tables, nets and supports shall conform with the Laws of Table Tennis nos. 1 and 2.
(c) Balls shall be provided by the Home Team and only balls sanctioned by the E.T.T.A. shall be used unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the two teams concerned.
(d) No electronic smoking (vaping) to be allowed in the room where a table tennis match is taking place.
20. CHANGE OF HEADQUARTERS, SECRETARY, ETC Any change in Secretary, Secretary’s address or Headquarters, shall be notified by the Club concerned to the League Honorary Fixture and Registration Secretary and to the Secretary of each Club having a team in the same Division or Divisions as the club concerned making the change. This notification to be in writing.
21. CHANGE IN HOME NIGHT Any change in Home night for a team or teams shall be notified to the League Secretary and the Secretary of each Club which has a team or teams in the same Division or Divisions. This notification to be in writing.
22. EXPENSES The travelling expenses of the following shall be paid out of the League Funds: (a) Players representing the League in competitive matches only. (b) Officers of the League or members of the Management Committee representing the League at the meetings of the Y.T.T.A. and the E.T.T.A. (c) The development Officer in pursuance of his duties.
23. HONOURS Perpetual Trophies will be awarded to Divisional Winners at a time and place to be decided by the Management Committee following the completion of each season. Trophies to be returned in a clean condition to the Hon. Secretary during the month of March each year. Four permanent trophies will also be presented to each winning team. Any expense incurred by the League in repairing damaged trophies or restoring them to a Presentation condition will be levied at the Club or individual in whose possession the cup or trophy was last entrusted.
MERIT AWARD - This will be awarded to the player in each Division who has won the most sets during the season. In the event of a tie all players involved will receive an award. No player may win a Merit Award for the same division (except the first) on two successive years. Junior Award - The most improved Junior in the League and a Senior Award - The most improved player in the League. Both awards are to be determined by the Management Committee.
24. LEAGUE REPRESENTATION Any player selected to represent the Huddersfield League are required to play a minimum of 4 games (during the current season) in the Huddersfield League. Upon a player representing the town for a third time, he or she shall qualify for, and be awarded, a representative brooch.
25. CLAIMS AND COMPLAINTS Any claims or complaints against any club team or person must be made in writing to the Secretary of the League within 10 days of the matter of claim or complaint arising.
26. OTHER MATTERS In the event of any question or matter arising which is not provided for in the foregoing rules, such a question will be dealt with by the Management Committee whose decision is final. Time Out will not be permitted in any of the League Competitions including the Closed Championships.
27. EXPULSION OF MEMBERS, CLUBS AND MEMBERS Any club or player registered with the League whose conduct is inappropriate or who decline to abide by any of the rules may be expelled or suspended by a resolution passed at a Management Committee meeting where registrations and subscriptions may be forfeited. The right to appeal with regard to any decision must be submitted to the League Secretary within 7 days notification of the decision.
28. DISSOLUTION (a) if at any General Meeting of the League a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the League of Secretary shall immediately convene a Special General Meeting to discuss and vote on the resolution.
(b) If at that Special General Meeting the resolution is carried by at least two thirds of those present and entitled to vote the Management Committee shall proced to realise the assets of the League and discharge any debts and liabilities.
(c) Any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to some other voluntary organisations having similar objects to the League. The remaining assets shall not be paid or distributed amongst the players and clubs of the League.
29. CLOSED CHAMPIONSHIPS A player registered with another league must play in a minimum of five Huddersfield League Fixtures, by the closing date for entries to be eligable to play in the closed championships. |